Tuesday, 26 March 2019

My kid just got in trouble for buying food for a disadvantaged classmate

We choose to send our kid to the public school. A large percent of kids are from the nearby subsidized housing projects.My 9yo 4th grader is at lunch. Boy in her class complains that he is still hungry. My daughter asks what he wants to eat, the boy says chips. She goes up and uses her lunch card to buy a bag of chips from the cafeteria, and hands the unopened bag to the boy. Teacher sees this, scolds her, and writes up an incident report as "the county has a policy against sharing food due to the risk of allergies, and our daughter has been warned more than once about sharing food" . The boy could have gone up and bought the chips himself, with no questions asked, but my daughter hands him the bag, and it's a policy violation.My wife and I are drafting a letter. Are we wrong for thinking our daughter should be allowed to buy cafeteria food for the less fortunate in her class? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2Ubf0iK

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