Saturday, 1 December 2018

My boys are sick:(

I guess this a venting post. Both my boys are sick. They got a stomach bug or something. They are up to date on their shots but that don’t count right now.My 9 year old had been throwing up here and there since Thursday. He barely been eating too. He is picky as is. He seems to be getting better but I can never tell with him. He is autistic and doesn’t explain/complain much. He keeps on trucking till he can’t anymore. I am making sure he drinks at least and eat a little. He randomly started getting sick. He knows he should in the trash or toilet but sometimes he can’t get to them or just don’t have warning.My almost 2 year old started up tonight. His dad is being amazing and watching him but I still get up to clean up/baths.It is not the worst it can be/been. Thank goodness. I just feel helpless at times like this. It will pass but man it stinks. I love my silly ones.I hope you all are doing good. via /r/Parenting

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