Thursday, 27 December 2018

LPT: If you see a kid do something awesome, tell their parents.

My 8 year old darling son is prone to anxious tummy-aches. He gets nervous, feels ill and it creates a nasty little cycle. A few weeks ago we're walking home from school and he's got something on his mind he wants to talk about but he's nervous and having just such an episode; tears, nausea, drama, the works. Walking about 20-40 yards in front of us the entire way home is the ~10 year old boy who lives down the block from us, lets call him Seth. As we get to our block Seth walks up onto his porch drops his bag and does a 180 straight back at us, comes up to my son and says "Hey, I know you're upset and it hurts your stomach. I have the same thing and I really hope you feel better, I know how bad it is." He gives my son a hug and jets back into his house. It was all of 10 seconds, but was a super compassionate thing for 10 year old to do and I was pretty impressed honestly. I make a mental note to say something to his mother the next time I see her.Couple days go by and I finally run into her, and since I'm always feeling mischievous I open with "I have to tell you something Seth did the other day." Cue deer-in-headlights look. I laugh and say it's nothing like that and proceed to relay the story to her roughly as I've told it here and thank her for having such a nice kid. She for some reason seems unusually affected by this and is struggling mightily to hold back tears.She then proceeds to tell me that Seth is having major emotional stability issues at home. His normal routine is screaming, lashing out, meltdowns and more. Basically he is a complete holy terror at home, they've just started him in therapy and she has no idea how to deal with it. And then she said the thing, which is what made me want to come here to share this story with all of you."I thought my sweet little boy was gone forever. Knowing that he's still in there somewhere, even if I never get to see it, means more to me than you could possibly understand."We all know we can't really know what our kids are like when we aren't around, so if you see a kid being a wonderful human being, make sure to let their parents know just how wonderful they are. God knows there are enough people around to let them know when their kids are being lousy. via /r/Parenting

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