My baby (I'll call her CL), now 4.5 months old, has been coughing since she started at day-care when she was just 11 weeks old. I know not many things are certain in life, but the fact that your child will catch something new at day-care every week is one of the facts of life. That is fine by me, she will get stronger eventually. CL's a very happy and easy going baby, she only cries when she's hungry or tired and I'm not fast enough for her liking. So I know something's wrong when she cries.Since yesterday her cough became more serious. CL began wheezing like she was out of breathe. I thought nothing of it at first because she has been testing her vocal cords the last few days. Which means she has been screaming for most of the time, out of pure joy I might add. So I thought she had a sore throat, I would if I was her.Today CL started to cry inconsolable every time I put her to bed. Like she was in pain. So this triggered me to call our local general practice center. They wanted to see her because they heard her wheezing through the phone.When we got there it was very busy so I prepared myself for a long evening.. luckily the assistent gave CL's case priority. Within a few minutes the doctor could see us. CL was happy as always, surprisingly because she was missing her nap. After a few test the doctor told me she's got the RS-virus.For now it isn't too serious, but we have to keep a close eye on her. This is the first time that she's really sick, a side from the usual stomach cramps. CL's sleeping now but I keep checking up on her. I feel terrible for her because there's nothing we can do. She's too young for real medicin but we got some nasal drops for baby's. I hope it won't get worse and that she will get better soon. via /r/Parenting
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