Saturday, 29 December 2018

Asshole kids

I took my son to softplay today. He’s not even two but looks much older for his age. I’m clear with him about good and bad behaviour and so many parents were excellent and doing the same. But two boys pushed his head back and then later he thought it was a game. They started hitting him. He again thought it was a game as he never experienced that before. Then he played with other kids. After a big 5 year old went over and slapped him because he was playing in the group. She then shoved another girl down the slide and squeezed the face of an 18month old. Later my son went back and she shoved him. He thought she is playing as he doesn’t experience this anywhere else. He of course had a tantrum when I tried to move him away. I told her it’s not kind to which she shouted “I am kind”. Can anyone help me out. How do you deal with little shits who hit your kid at softplay and their parents couldn’t give a shit or don’t tell off their kids until it’s gone too far. My son didn’t cry or get put off playing because he didn’t know they were being little shits so I know that his feelings were not hurt. But still it will happen again and I was upset about it. via /r/Parenting

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