Saturday, 1 December 2018

Signs of a smart two year old

What would you consider signs of a bright or exceptional two year old?I don’t want to be one of those obnoxious parents, and I don’t have much exposure to children, but my 2.5 year old has done some things that have made my head turn.1) he was watching Sesame Street and the count was going to 10 and he followed along. I asked him if he knows any numbers over 10, he proceeded to go all the way up to 19, he stopped I slowly said ‘20’ and he goes ‘21, 22,23’ then got distracted with the shows next activity.2) watching a movie tonight for the first time and he sees an eagle ‘daddy, look eagle’. Surprised by the word I asked my wife if she had any idea where he got that from and she said the zoo a month ago, but hasn’t heard him say it since.3) distinguishes between a number of different car makes and models. For makes he’ll say“Almost same car as nana (for a particular brand)” while for models he’ll say “same car as nana but white”.All in all he comes off as a bright kid, but I don’t want to fall into the trap of thinking my child is a gift to the world. via /r/Parenting

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