Saturday, 29 December 2018

What's The Oldest Child You've Seen Still Using a Five Point Car Seat?

So, there's a popular family vlog I watch on YT, and they still have their twelve and a half year old daughter in a full on five point harness in the car. She's not disabled, and while she looks a bit small/young for her age, definitely not to the point of needing a five point harness.My kid isn't close to being 12 yet, but I've looked up online when to make the switch, and this is definitely something that is not normal right? I mean I know safety is important but I think back to being 12 years old and I'd be god damn MORTIFIED to be seen in a carseat like that. I'd be humiliated in school over it. Forget about the fact this poor girl gets filmed for like 8 million subscribers.I know things have changed a lot since I was a young child in the late 80's/early 90's (myself and all the kids in my family, plus all the friends I knew were into a booster seat by like 3, and then just sitting normally in the back by like first grade).But 12 is just not normal to have a kid in a seat like that, right?EDIT: I know it's based on height and/or weight, but again, I've never seen a child over 7 or 8 in a five point harness. Obviously I can't tell how tall this girl is from videos, but I can tell you that in their "About" section she lists the kids clothing sizes, and the girl is listed as 14/16. Which means she's definitely big enough to not be in a 5 point harness. via /r/Parenting

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