Thursday, 26 October 2017

I have been a father for 10 years to 3 girls & a boy, and I have not ONCE thrown a baseball into a child's gloved hand. Well, that sh*t ends TOMORROW.

I've been thinking about this for the last week or so, and my wife brought it up to me tonight: "Why, you awful, awful man-"("/s" in case anyone thinks this realization is sending me trigger deep down a steel barrel. It's cool. Chill.)"-have you yet to throw a throw or catch a catch with any of your children?"I have no excuse. I mean, yeah, gloves and baseballs are not super cheap (I don't think), and yeah, when isn't money tight? But this is a basic skill. Some might say a human right. Some.Now, I'm not entirely sure what the driving force behind my desire to see my children master the art of thrusting objects through bright blue Cali-dayz skies, but I don't think it has to do with baseball itself. Nor does it (directly) have anything to do with my wife's long time Dodger's fanship rubbing off on me during game 2.I'm not quite sure what it is. A latent childhood memory pumping dopamine to get my lobes and cortex all DOPED-(Never made the connection between "doping" and "dopamine". Is that a thing? Nevermind.)-UP on nostalgia? I don't know. Baseball was never that great of a time for me growing up. "Little league" (as we called it) was more like being pushed out of every position you were good at because coach's son wanted to pitch. You know what, Carlos? EVERYONE WANTS TO PITCH.Okay. Maybe baseball does have a deeper meaning for me. Baseball means I'm going to get us gloves and baseballs tomorrow. I'm going to throw a ball around with my kids. Then I'm going to coach their little league team and make sure EVERY SINGLE KID WHO WANTS TO PITCH get's sent to the back of the line behind my babies! (/s)GoDodgersTL;DR: No. You get your ass back up there and follow through with what you started. Ain't no quitters in baseball!EDIT: TTLL;DDRR: Fine. I'm going to play catch with my kids tomorrow and I just realized that it will actually, probably mean a lot to me and them. via /r/Parenting

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