Sunday, 29 October 2017

Teenage son (M 16) refusing to go to school tomorrow due to new haircut.

So my son got his hair cut today at his request - he is very particular about his hair always short at the sides, and long on top.The barber cut it a lot shorter than he wanted despite him telling him what he wanted. I think it looks great!He came home and went into his room and cried (I can’t remember the last time he cried about anything) and he is now saying that he won’t be attending school for at least three weeks until it grows back. He has asked me to phone the school asking them to email work to him so he can work at home.He says that his friends will make fun of him,I’ve told him he looks great. I’ve told him to man up. I’ve been gentle and positive. I’ve been stern. I’ve complimented his hair. I’ve told him if anyone makes any comments, to laugh along with them, or tell them where to go. Nothing is working. He is already struggling a bit with one of his subjects so he needs to attend school. I’ve said that it’ll make him stronger in the long run if he faces his friends, as he will go through a lot worse than a bad haircut in his life!!!! via /r/Parenting

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