I'm a stay at home mother of one. I absolutely love staying at home with my son. This is the first time in the two and half years since my son was born that I legitimately needed a break.Usually I'm not the sort to hang out around the house. I've been sitting inside, watching tv and hanging out on Reddit more in the past few days than I think I have all year combined.Usually our days are jam-packed with all sorts of fun. We go to the park two times a day, and the library twice a week. We do sensory activities every day. (Yesterday we made taste-safe slime, and taste-safe jello-gems.) We paint, and sing, and work on our alphabet together.Recently we had to slow it down, when we all got super sick. (Strep throat) My husband and our son are at the tail end of it. They're both pretty much better. I, on the other hand, had to go into the walk in clinic yesterday because I thought I had a UTI. Turns out it's a really horrible kidney infection.I feel like absolute garbage.My husband offered to take our son for the day and let me sleep. Or rest. Or do anything other than entertain a hyper, almost completely better 2.5 year old.I initially turned him down. We played together as a family. My husband cleaned the living room and I cleaned the kitchen (despite my husband's constant assurance that he could do it).Then I started feeling worse, and my husband became a little more adamant that I go upstairs and rest. Eventually he convinced me.Now I'm sitting upstairs feeling so guilty.I feel like I shouldn't put more on my husband because he works really hard through the week, so I shouldn't ask him to do anything more. My husband doesn't see it this way. He enjoys the time with our son, and he doesn't see it as an inconvenience. He constantly tells me that just because I don't work doesn't mean that I'm not essential to how our family works. That what I do (taking care of our toddler and keeping the house clean, prepping meals, and all that) is super important. He constantly reminds me that there's more to life and family operations than making money. Especially since we aren't in any financial strain.I feel like I'm not contributing today. And I can't get over the guilt long enough to actually rest.Anyone else ever feel this way? Are my concerns valid? Or is my husband right?I just feel like I'm not doing enough today. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2gTTr4P
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