Friday, 27 October 2017

5 year old bites nails and now chunks out of fingers

My 5 year old started absent mindedly biting his nails a while back. He never liked to have his nails clipped so I think he just started chomping them off when he had idle hands. When I started to notice it, and saw that it was a problem, we got the nasty tasting paint stuff to put on his nails to hopefully help him stop. Well, today he comes to me and has chewed a chunk out of the side of his finger, presumably because the nails taste gross or are all chewed down, but he couldn't really give me a reason.What do I even do about this? It doesn't seem to be anxiety related, just an absent minded thing. He's a very energetic, excited kid, developmentally where he should be, and overall happy and well adjusted.When he showed me, I told him I was very concerned about it, and that I don't want anyone hurting my buddy, especially my buddy. We talked about germs and infection, and I lightened the mood a bit by saying he probably shouldn't be eating himself if he wants a snack. Do I need to be worried about this, or is it more of a keep an eye on it kind of deal? via /r/Parenting

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