Friday, 27 October 2017

I think my kid [7F] has psych issues and I don’t think we can help her.

Backstory: my mom has been raising her niece for the past 5 years with a lot of help from me. We tell her the truth about her real mother (deceased) and her father (deported but we tell her he was sent far away for being not nice). We know her early years were rough as she was ripped apart from her real family when she was 2 and sent to live with us. At that point she also spoke only Spanish while we spoke English so that was a big transition too. But even at two there was something off about her. She’d scream and throw 2 hours temper tantrums that wouldn’t stop for anything until she cried herself to sleep and she would never listen to us. Despite all that we’d still give her lots of love and got her toys and such to reward good behavior. I’d say if we had to put a percentage down I’m with her 60% of the time and my mom around 40%. Now she’s seven and she will look at you straight in the face and lie. She cut her own hair a couple months ago and tried to hide that she did it by wearing a hoodie and when we told her to take it off she’d come up with something like “her ears are cold”. When we took the hoodie off and saw what she did and asked her when she did it she’d lie and say it happened it school on her teachers watch when we knew it happened in the house. If she gets a bad day in school she would not write it in her planner (the teacher had the kids write it themselves) and say there was no time. When we confronted the teacher she said there’s always time so now the teacher write in her planner for her and if she has a bad day will leave her planner in school or like she tried yesterday- leaver her whole backpack at the school. When we’d tell her we were going to email the teacher what kind of day she’d have she’d lie straight to our face and say it was good.Now I’m picked her up from early from school because she told another classmate her mother was coming to shoot her with a gun. In the car I had a long talk and I’m just going to share her story. “It was success time and the teacher was passing out papers. The girl next to me kept saying I was going to cheat even though I didn’t have my paper yet. She put her folder up on the desk and I asked her five times to put it up and then I told her mom was going to come to the school with a gun”. I asked her some follow up questions and she told me how she wishes she was dead and she behaves bad so that people will want her gone. She told me her classmate told her the gun thing and I kept grilling but she’s sticking to that story so I can’t tell if it’s true. I don’t know how to help her but it’s getting really exhausting.TLDR; my 7 year old is a compulsive liar. got in trouble in school for saying her mom was going to go in with a gun, and says she wants to die. We’re pretty sure she needs psych help but what else can we do? via /r/Parenting

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