Saturday, 28 October 2017

::::Babysitter Etiquette:::::

My husband and I have never had a babysitter that wasn’t a friend or family.. And if someone did watch her it was usually at their house... now we finally have a regular babysitter (a local college student who was our daughter’s camp counselor over the summer) Anywho, she’s going to be watching our daughter tomorrow night while we go out with friends and we don’t know what to offer her in our home... obviously she can drink anything and can have any snacks if she wants.. but should we provide her with some kind of dinner? Besides snacks we don’t really have food at our house for her to eat (that doesn’t need to be fully cooked as a meal) is that a weird question? My husband and I are going out to get food and to a haunted house.. and of course we will make sure our daughter eats before we leave.. but do we need to provide the babysitter with dinner too?? Also anything else we should have for our sitter? via /r/Parenting

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