Sunday, 29 October 2017

Whether or not to christen from a CoE/atheist perspective

Hi everyone. My wife is 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow with our first, we're nervous and excited! My question to you concerns my unborn daughter and whether or not she should be christened. My wife is CoE and although not a regular churchgoer she does believe in God, was raised as a regular churchgoer (sang in the choir up to 18yo and on and off through uni, only really stopped going regularly once we started dating) and wants church to be an influence. I however, was raised without religion (although I was christened, it's because my parents were basically forced into it as it was 'expected' of them) and though I'm less militant about it then I used to be, I am an atheist and a humanist (I live my life thinking there is no God and if I'm wrong, so be it). So, with these 2 opposing backgrounds you can see my dilemma. My wife wants our daughter christened soon after birth, I do not. We attended a christening earlier this year and I could not honestly vow to raise her in the Christian way. I would much prefer her to attend when she's older if she wants and then if she wants to be baptised when she understands completely what that means, then of course I would support her. But I know my wife and her family would be very upset if there was nothing at all to occur. If anyone has any advice, some kind of compromise church ceremony or any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it! via /r/Parenting

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