Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Found out my wife is 19 weeks pregnant yesterday! We have a 6 year old. Questions inside.

Hi parents,My wife took a pregnancy test a couple of weeks ago and it was positive. She just hadn't had her period despite being on birth control. Long story short, we went for our first ultrasound yesterday expecting to see the tiny lima bean/seahorse blur. Nope, full spinal cord, face, fingers, etc.! We were pleasantly surprised to say the least!My question is mainly for people that have kids with an age difference. Since my son turns 6 next month, he'll be around 6 and a half when he gets a brother. I'm freaking out a bit over the age gap.Do the kids play together and if so, how? I can't imagine when the youngest is two, the oldest will want to play with those toys.When you go somewhere more catered to toddlers, what does your older child do?Thinking about Disney and that sort of thing, the rides a 4 year old will go on are vastly different than the rides our 10 year old will be on. How does that work?As you can tell, I have ridiculous questions but it's something I can't stop thinking about! I'd love to hear your personal stories. via /r/Parenting

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