Sunday, 1 October 2017

Advice/help please

Hi everyone, I have a beautiful daughter who is 17 months old. A little bit on my story, i had 2 miscarriage before falling pregnant with A and when i was pregnant with A I didn't really enjoy the pregnancy feeling because i was constantly afraid of having a 3rd miscarriage. I thought once A will be born i would feel better and enjoy motherhood but it was actually the complete opposite. When A was born I didn't feel the mother daughter bond I thought i would have and all my feeling and emotions at that time was mixed up and I didn't know how to feel about motherhood. And what had made me hit bottom was my husband siblings, we all live under the same house and since A has been born not one of them have actually asked me "how i was doing?" From the first day they came to the hospital we didn't get one congratulations from them but they went straight to see A and saying how perfect she is. Every day afterwards it was just about A and her grandparents (dad side only) not one of them care about how i was feeling, it was just A , her dad and her grandparents. I was feeling invisible in a room fill with suppose to be "family" and everytime i would be alone with my daughter i would just sit and cry, I couldn't eat anything and couldn't sleep at night because the thought of waking up and spending another day being invisible was just so hard for me to deal with. I even had my SIL telling my husband how disrespectful i was towards my MIL because I didn't allow her to hold Haley for as long as she wanted due to the fact she has refused to do the whooping cough vaccine and how disrespectful i was because i refuse to throw a 1 month party for A so that my MIL could invite all of her friends to come and see my baby. So everything was just about my baby and her grandparents, i felt as if they were the one who were the most important people in my daughter's life and not me. Then i told my husband that I couldn't deal with his sibling anymore and we decided i would go to my home country with our daughter for awhile so that i could relax but just the thought of returning back is making me stress and i'm having anxiety of seeing those face who treated me without any respect that i deserve. I have a wonderful husband who i know love me and our daughter but he doesn't really understand what i'm going through and how i'm feeling even though i have explained to him many times. He actually have never told his sister that she cross a line she wasn't suppose to cross and how the way she have treated me during all those months was wrong. I have already told my husband that i'm cutting all ties with this sister because of the way she have treated me and for not having the decency of saying a simple sorry to me but my husband still want to try to fix that relationship that has already been broken and not really fixable in my eyes. I'm not sure if i'm just overreacting but seeing my husband being all nice to his sister even knowing how she treated me just make me feel more angry and depressed that he is not supporting me in a way. Thank you for reading i needed to let it out because it was eating me from the inside. via /r/Parenting

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