Thursday, 25 May 2017

Toddler Meltdown Help Please

Hi,I was hoping this community had tips on dealing with meltdowns. I have a 2 yr old son. I think His meltdowns are typical for this age. He's testing what gets reactions, he tried to cry louder than last time, he says no. Today, kiddo didn't want to wear his hat while walking in the rain. I made him do it cause he has to wear his hat when it's raining, and things just degraded from there. Full on meltdown, crying won't say what's wrong or how I can help. Pulling stuff out of my hands, and I take it back and say if you want something, you need to ask nicely and say please.The meltdowns occur when he's not getting his way. Typical stuff I believe.It's me that needs help. They just drain me. If they happen in the morning, I carry that with me all day. I get the impression, some people can just turn off and on their "I don't give a crap" switch. Like their kid making a scene or crying doesn't affect them. Some seem to even laugh or find it funny, you know in appropriate circumstances, of course, not when your child is actually in danger or hurt.How can I get that? Do you have tips on just letting go of what happened? What goes through your mind as your dealing with meltdowns that helps you stay calm and patient?Thanks. via /r/Parenting

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