Saturday, 27 May 2017

My friend's kid has measles

My friend and I both have children under 2 (1.5yrs). Mine have received all vaccinations to date and will continue to receive all vaccinations to date. I'm 90% sure that my friend is pro-vaccination but we've never talked about it. At this point I'm just going to assume and ask her about it at a later date, before our kids meet up for a playdate.So me and her had plans for a mama's only day tomorrow, she was going to get a sitter and my kids are with their dad. As far as I know, she is still wants to meet up. I'm really uncomfortable of this because of the fact that she is spending time being directly with her sick daughter.How likely is it that she could carry the contagion, transfer it to me (vaccinated), and I transfer it to my still-being vaccinated children? I've cancelled on her already, but I'm still curious of the likelihood. I feel like a bit of a dick because shes a single sahm and does amazing by her kids, and we were going to go do something really out of the box that an opportunity is not always there.. and it's on both our bucket lists. My kids health and safety comes before my experiences though so cancelling is a no-brainer.... but still curious about the likelihood to transfer the illness? via /r/Parenting

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