Wednesday, 31 May 2017

CANNOT risk sleep deprivation with baby - advice please?!

Please no sleep deprivation horror stories or 'you will be a zombie' comments, just practical advice on how to mitigate sleep disruption.. Thanks experts!I'm first time pregnant. I suffer from epilepsy and my number one seizure trigger is sleep deprivation. I need to plan as many ways as I can think of to minimise disruption to my sleep with a baby. I've had such bad seizures before that I was mildly brain damaged and took 6 months to recover, so I am going to need to put my sleep needs higher than some of the 'ideal' baby raising practices - eg I'm not sure I can risk breast feeding if it means being up for an hour every two hours in the night. I'm keeping an open mind but prepared for the possibility that it might not be safe. I can't be much of a mum if I'm hospital with amnesia like last time I had severe seizures.Relevant circumstances :-2 sets of local grandparents-Partner works from home so will always be there-We have a spare bedroom-I'll have a year's maternity leave.Obviously all up for discussion with parents / partner but I know they'll want to help:How early can grandparents start taking baby overnight occasionally?How early can I go away for the night to my parents to ensure I get a good night?Any suggested ways to split night time feeds with my partner (I don't want him to be ruined either, I want to do my share)?How early can you try sleep training?Any recommended sleep / sleep training resources relevant to me in particular?Any tips to get baby into good sleep practices - eg scheduled naps, black out blinds..I will not be co sleeping, it's not safe for us.Just anything really which will help?Thank you :) via /r/Parenting

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