Monday, 29 May 2017

A stay at home dads worth.

I have been caring for my son during the day since he was 2 months old, he is now 18 months old. His mother and I live together but the relationship has been rocky since before he was born. When it was time for his mother to go back to work I quit my job to stay at home as I would have been the only one of us able to provide any type of income while caring for him during the day.I care for our son alone during the day from about 7:30am to 5:00pm while his mother works and run a small home based business during the evenings. Since I started caring for our son during the day I have be relentlessly disrespected by his mother and her family. I have been threatened to be kicked out weekly and told our home is not mine because I dont pay the bills. I have been told almost daily that I'm not doing my fare share to contribute to my family.In an attempt to defend what I contribute to my families expenses I added what we save in daycare costs to what else I contribute monetarily to show that Im not the bum they portray me to be. I asked my sons mother to add up all of our expenses and to give me a total of what she thinks I owe her every month. The figure she came up with was less than what we save not having to pay for day care and also didnt include any other money I contribute to the household and bills.My sons mother and her family think its absurd that I would include what we save in daycare to what I contribute to our family. They say trying to take "credit" for watching my son during the day doesnt count because its "my son". I tried to explain if I didnt do it we would have to pay someone but it fell on def ears. In an attempt to clarify my position I brought up a scenario where we both worked during the day and put our son in daycare with us splitting the bills in half. With me working during the day my salary could easily cover half of the daycare expenses plus what she calculated that I would owe. Ibwould also have the income from my business.The whole idea behind me staying at home with my son was to do whats best for him. I believe Being with a parent until he is old enough to tell us what happened during the day is whats best. We only saty together because living in separate homes amd doubling our expenses would only make things worse finacially.The whole idea of me having to monetize what i do as a stay at home parent is silly to me but i dont no how else to defend my self and what i contribute. I'm starting to think I'm the crazy one. Is it absurd to add what we save in childcare to what I contribute?I would like any ones opinion on the matter. via /r/Parenting

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