Monday, 29 May 2017

My baby is suddenly a toddler and I was not prepared.

In the span of about a week, my sweet innocent baby (10.5 months) has transformed into a toddler. He is still cute, and funny, and loving, but he's also biting and throwing food and screaming at the top of his lungs. He doesn't want me to feed him anymore, but he gets bored/tired feeding himself and starts tossing food at the dog and throwing his water cup, so then he's not eating enough and winds up hungry/cranky an hour later. He doesn't want me to help him with the sippy cup, but he intersperses drinking with shaking it all out all over himself and everything else....and when I take away, he has a fit.This it normal? I have tried to be very patient and explain to him i.e. "When you throw your food on the floor, that tells me you are done eating, so lunch is over." Whether or not he can understand me, it makes me feel better. (I have been reading the RIE books.) His face turns all red and he screams like he is being murdered. It's just for a couple of seconds and he gets over it, it's just that there is so much screaming going on all day long because it seems like everything I do (really, stop him from doing) upsets him. And it's not like I micromanage him and correct everything he does, it's like....don't eat your own dirty diaper. Don't dig in the cat box. Don't climb in the toilet. Don't throw your toys in the toilet.Have i been too permissive?? Is he spoiled?? He has always been curious and an explorer, and I've let him, as long as he's not doing something that could hurt him or someone else. It's just this week that he's really started to misbehave. (I know that's not the right word, he is a baby...but you know what i mean. Act out?) He thinks it is funny when he bites me and pulls my hair, he thinks it's hilarious when he screams like he is being murdered while I am trying to grocery shop.Is this just what toddlers are like? Or am I just screwing up the parenting? He is teething, which I'm praying to god is part of the problem....Please send help and booze. via /r/Parenting

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