Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Advice on 'week on - week off' custody arrangement please?

Okay so a quick background history:I have a 4 year old daughter, and we live in QLD, Australia. She will be starting her Prep/Primary School education as of February 2018.The original custody arrangement between my daughters father, Luke, and I was I had her Monday - Friday (She attended daycare these days, so handover was done via daycare e.g he would bring her to daycare Monday morning, and I would pick her up that afternoon) and Luke would have her Friday night till Monday morning.I was a non working parent at the time so this worked okay.I then started full time study, and due to travel I would not be able to see my daughter through the week except 2 hours at night which I would spend doing dinner/bath etc. Then not have any time with her on the weekend.So now our current arrangement that has been in place about 6 months is that firstly we do rotating weekends - which is common between separated parents. Our daughter is now attending daycare full time Mon - Fri. Except that on the week leading up to MY weekend with our daughter, he picks her up from Daycare Wednesday afternoon and keeps her till drop off on Friday morning, in which I then pick her up Friday afternoon.He is now requesting that when school rolls around next year, we switch to a full rotating week each. Has anyone else done this? Do you know people who have? Is this going to affect our child?It just seems really crazy to me. I know that time with both parents is important, and as you can see my daughter has a lot of time with her Dad and I've never tried to come between that. But something about an entire week on and then off seems wrong to me.. am I being crazy? Can you convince me why this is a good or bad idea? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2s9I7Cb

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