Monday, 29 May 2017

Constant struggle with sleep and bed time. Does anyone else have a child that doesn't get tired, ever?

Since my daughter, who is 4, has been a baby we have had trouble with bed time. She was pretty good to sleep through the night (and still is) but getting her to sleep is a rodeo show.As a baby, short of rocking her to sleep with white noise and singing and bouncing and nursing for an hour, nothing would make her sleep. People told me to "sleep train her". That in three nights I would have a baby who would go to sleep and self soothe. Except when I tried sleep training, I instead ended up with a baby who cries for 30 minutes+ before she finally falls asleep. Now my options were, rock her for an hour or let her cry for an hour.I tried all the different methods and none of them worked. I tried sitting next to her. Sitting at the door. Slowly extracting myself and strict cry it out as well as just waiting it out and rocking her. She never found a method that worked for her. She would have a two week stretch where she slept well. Fell asleep right away. And then back to not sleeping.Then, she began to talk. That's when it really became party time. Especially when I transferred her from a crib to a bed. Now she could get out and play with toys. Sing. Get a book. Jump on her bed. Etc. She would do this for hours. No amount of boundaries or discipline could stop her. Every night was 1.5 hour struggle to get her to bed. Eventually I gave up and just put her in her bed, left and just ignored her. She will stay up and play for hours. Some nights she will even lie in bed quietly for 1.5 hours. Not even playing. But she just can't sleep.When I talked to my pediatrician, she just shrugged it off as my routine not being good enough. She gave me suggestions (which I had already tried, and she told me to just try again. "She'll settle" was her advice)When I asked about melatonin, since her problem is primarily falling asleep, but she felt 4 was too young to start melatonin.I'm at my wits end now. I think there's something wrong with her but no one will listen to me. My therapist says to enroll her in swimming or soccer. "She will fall asleep at the kitchen table because it will tire her out so much" except it won't. I have taken her swimming, rock climbing, to the park, playing soccer, to indoor amusement parks, parties, play dates, etc. She will still go home and stay up late.I can wrangle her to bed by 9 by now with my extremely strict bedtime routine, but if she sleeps at someone else's house she will go to bed at 11 or 12am.She will often tell me she hates sleep. She has tantrums often at bed time because she doesn't want to sleep. Forget nap time. I stopped having her nap at 3 years old because I couldn't handle the stress anymore. She absolutely refuses to nap.Throughout all this, the weirdest thing is that she doesn't even get tired. She has no sleepy cues for me to follow. She goes from 110% to asleep from one second to the next.I am sure she is overtired. 9-6 with no nap is not enough sleep for a 4 year old. But I don't know what to do. I have tried all the different bedtimes in the world.She will occasionally have a great 2-3 weeks where she will fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, and then it just stops.Does anyone have any advice? via /r/Parenting

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