Monday, 29 May 2017

Small parenting hack for getting toddlers dressed

This is nothing much, but has (at least temporarily) removed one of our sources of frustration in the mornings - so I thought someone else might benefit...We've been having "difficulties" getting our 3yo daughter to put her clothes on - or agree and cooperate with us doing it. You know the routine, you tell, you command, you beg, you plead, you negotiate, you ignore, then beg and plead again. Then you wrestle with what feels like a small human-sized octopus. They have an incredible ability to not only be a floppy dead weight, but also to maneuver their limbs into exactly the wrong position for putting pants or tops on. Usually this ends with some yelling and a half naked child for a while every morning.Well (credit to my wife) we turned it into a game. We hide all her clothes for the day in one room of the house while she waits in another room. We show her the clothes first so she can determine them from the other clothes that might be lying on the floor or in washing baskets etc (you know!), then say you have to find all your clothes as quick as you can and then put them on, then you will get a [insert treat of your choosing here].I'm amazed, but it's been working for a week now for us! I know this victory won't last, but it's been a nice change of pace in the mornings for us, and all of us are less frustrated first thing! via /r/Parenting

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