Saturday, 27 May 2017

My daughter deserves better than this

I posted awhile ago and got some good advise. I'm just ranting here, but do feel free to comment.My daughter will be 2 in a few weeks time. She was born with a hip dysplasia in both hips, spent 12 weeks in a pavlik harness at 8 weeks old.I thought everything was ok, maybe I was stupid I don't know. But her hips haven't improved, and although she's walking, she has a permanent limp on her left side and may need an operation. Which scares me to death. Not just because of all the fears of letting her go under the knife, but the potential long term damage to her.I mean it would fix her hips, but should that be my main concern right now? The nurses and doctors who treated her hips say that her physical developmental, while being late she should of caught up by 18 months old. Well she didn't, she started walking less than 8 weeks ago, she loves walking, but was a late crawler (14 months old). They say she has a general delay, she's also delayed talking, and only says about 3 words. Sometimes she learns a new word, but it's soon forgotten, she doesn't try to to repeat what we say, and Nursery say she doesn't attempt to even use the words she has there. She plays happily, but doesn't attempt to communicate - I'd think it was the nursery, if it wasn't for the fact she;s the same at groups, and when my in laws look after her, she just doesn't talk to anyone but me or my DH. She also has hearing, eye sight and chest problems. It's a constant worry and I seem to spend my life at hospitals and doctors surgeries with her - I thank myself lucky I'm in the UK. But if she has an operation that's time away from her routine - routine is key, because she can't get upset or frustrated if she knows what's happening and any time out of routine can cause regression.And I'm so exhausted. My husband has health problems too, so I have to focus on him when he's home. So my daughter watches way too much TV - 1 hour after Nursery which she goes to 3 times a week, all afternoon on a Monday, Thursday and Saturday (Maybe 4 hours each) and all day Sunday bar maybe an hour when we go do the food shop. I also think I don't cook enough for her so she has fish fingers and mash a lot.Don't get me wrong I love her. And I do take her to groups, and the park and to visit family, and even to soft play centres. But money is tight, especially because she now needs to be in Nursery due to her difficulties, and with her dads problems as well I just don't get the time or energy or money to spend with her. We don't have a garden so I have to make more effort to get her out in the warm weather.And she deserves better. She deserves a mum who has time for her, and just her. Because as it stands I have no time for myself, and I'm slowly sinking and it's not fair to her.I'm seriously considering giving her up. The Nursery staff joke they'd take her home - she's a happy little girl, she's always smiling, and doesn't realise she's any different to her friends at Nursery. But it's so frustrating. She can't talk to me, we've had little success on teaching her sign language, and she just throws flash cards. I'm struggling.And my husband makes me feel so awful. In one breath he says I should play with her more and talk to her and in the next tells me I don't do enough for him - his problems are also complex. It's not helping when my friends say that my daughters normal and just needs to be given a chance to develop at her own pace rather than being poked and prodded by doctors all the time.I don't know what to do for the best. I love her so much, but I don't think I can be her mum anymore. via /r/Parenting

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