Wednesday, 2 November 2016

10 month old not adjusting well to daycare

Our LO just started daycare on Monday, I know it's only been 3 days but I didn't think he would be this upset with the transition. To say it's been hard on all of us is an understatement. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I didn't think it would be this upsetting for him.He screams when I drop him off which I expected, the teacher there said he only cries for about five minutes. He then becomes her little shadow following her everywhere.When I go pick him up he cries a little bit when he sees me. We get home and he has to be in my lap or touching me in some way for a good 45 minutes, for the rest of the day I can't leave his sight or he had a meltdown, he won't take a nap for me now, and he didn't really want my husband to hold him either. He just wants mom. He also had a complete meltdown when we tried to get him ready for bed which I assume is just from the stress of the day and not having had any naps.As a positive he did smile at the teacher this morning when we got there so that was encouraging.I guess I'm just looking for words of encouragement that it does get better or anyone who has dealt with a very upset Lo when first starting daycare but now is adjusted.Tldr 10 month old son is having a very hard time adjusting to daycare and being away from mom. via /r/Parenting

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