Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Wife and I have different strategies to calm our 3.5 year old down from his tantrum

My wife and I have very opposite views on how to calm my 3.5 year boy from a tantrum. I prefer to stay close to him and try to actively call him down and understand why he is upset.If he is just screaming and won’t listen, I will walk away and come back every few minutes and try again. Eventually get him to calm down.I feel a great sense of accomplishment and bonding when I can calm my son down.My wife will just let him scream and not intervene until he calms down by himself. For example he has been screaming in the bathroom now for 20 minutes, and she won’t go in to talk to him, she just talks to him through the door. She said she won’t open the door until he calms down on his own. I actually went in to go talk to him and she got angry that I am interfering with what she is doing.I like doing it the way I’m doing it. I just think it’s a more humane way of helping him deal with his emotions. And i think it works faster to calm him down. Am I so wrong? Is my wife’s way better? I mean he might succumb and come out of the bathroom eventually, but is that teaching him anything?She accuses me of coddling him; I disagree. I just feel like not being mean.Please let me know your thoughts. via /r/Parenting

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