Wednesday, 29 April 2020

My wife can't seem to cope with son (28mth boy) and I don't know what to do?

Hi, we have a 2yr old boy. And while he is very high energy, so is my wife. I think maybe he learnt (or inherited) a lot of behaviour from her. Anyway he's always been a hand full but while been on lock down I've looked after him a lot, all day while wife does work away from home. He's fine, sure he's full of beans but I set some boundaries and we play, I get things done like cleaning, baking, making lunch, making beds, cleaning rooms etc etc When we switch, I go of to do a days work. She's constantly asking me for help. She's clearly stressed. She has a permanent frown. She can't do anything else apart from run around after the boy. Nothing else gets done, so the house becomes messier and messier. She takes 20 min showers when I come in just to get away. It's stressing me out as it puts way more pressure on me. But also i knoww she just needs to take charge. She will not take any advice. So all I can do is support her, but it's just leaving me picking up everything. In really at a loss same I think things will get worse once the not starts challenging her as all kids do. She doesn't take well to difference of opinion. Sorry for a bit of rant but I'm really worried as I can't tell her anything, looking for good suggestive techniques I guess. Or maybe I'm just gonna quit work. via /r/Parenting

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