Sunday, 26 April 2020

MIL trying to parent my kids while we are around is so goddamn annoying

We were hanging out yesterday and it was nice out, so naturally my almost 3 year old wanted to be outside with no jacket and, for a lot of the time, no shoes. Grandma kept saying “does she need a jacket? Does she need shoes?” Yes, I’m fully aware that she doesn’t have fucking shoes on, and that’s ok. She can walk around barefoot on our very safe lawn and deck. “But what if she steps on an acorn?” Seriously? Then she steps on a fucking acorn...who cares. What’s the worse that will happen? She cries for 30 seconds? I think one of my wife’s siblings got a splinter on a deck 30 years ago, and grandma has had a high level of paranoia ever since. She doesn’t realize that decks are no longer so dangerous lolThese exchanges happen literally every time we are outside, with both the jacket and shoes. My kid is very attune and will tell me if she is cold and needs a jacket. I don’t always agree with her threshold for not needing a jacket, but at the end of the day the kid is always ok. Some battles are just not worth fighting, and this is one I have given up on generally. The kid is always safe.I’m fine with grandma enforcing whatever rules when she’s watching them, but if my wife and I are around, I wish she would just back the fuck off. She does it a lot with food, too. Like my kid is eating the healthy food we provided and grandma will say “can I give her a French fry or a bite of pizza?” My kid is literally eating grilled chicken and broccoli and grandma is trying to feed her shit. It’s been happening for years and drives me crazy.I think she thinks she’s giving us a break from parenting, but if we are around, we are not going to just stop being parents and she doesn’t seem to realize that. The way she phrases things make us sound neglectful and it’s so goddamn annoying. We have talked to her about it and she eases up for a little while after the talks, but always slips back to being annoying after a few months. Haha. Oh well, she is great overall, so I’m thankful she’s around. But also, jesus fucking Christ. via /r/Parenting

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