My twin sons are 18 and in their senior year of high school. Both of them were quite large about a year and a half ago (5’9 and 215 for A and 5’9 and 240 for B). Twin A was relatively healthy and athletic at that time and once with some prodding was able to shed some weight, and got down to 180’s. He got injured in the fall which led him to sitting out athletically the remainder of the year. There was a bit of depression surrounding that as he wanted to play in university, and the lack of movement led him to put on a few pounds. That I find understandable.Twin B on the other hand didn’t lose any weight, maintained for a while, and then gained some more. I do not know how much heavier he is but he is over 240.To add a third child to the mix, my 20M has come back from his second year at university heavier than ever. He was the athletic one and was generally fit in high school, ran cross country and such. The athletics stopped in university and I guess stress and lack of healthy eating habits led him to pile on weight. He goes to university a decent distance away so we don’t see him often, and last summer he studied abroad and had an internship in a city a few hours away so did not see much of him, but every time I saw him he was noticeably bigger.Both my wife and I work an hour + from our house, so we haven’t really watched what our children eat outside of our meals. We keep a fully stocked house and my kids are old enough to cook for themselves on days where we won’t be home in a timely manner, but it seems like they don’t.Now everybody is at home with coronavirus quarantine, and the eating habits are atrocious. I cook a lot (lots of protein, low carb), and very rarely order takeout, but the house is filled with snacks and other junk food such as Ramen that I don’t buy. It’s like anywhere I look they’re chowing down on some snack instead of eating a nutritious meal. I’ve seen pizza delivered at 11pm after we’ve all had dinner.My wife doesn’t want me to make a stink about it because she believes I handled it very poorly the last time I lost it over their weights and eating habits, and especially to the college aged kid because he is “stressed”.Any suggestions? Thanks via /r/Parenting
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