Saturday, 25 April 2020


I am a single mom of a 20 month old.After a month an a half of isolation, my once sweet, patient toddler is now an asshole. We used to stay very busy- parks, library, museum, aquarium, rarely watched tv, mom workout groups, play dates. We had a very full social calendar.My child’s father is an essential worker and we have only seen him once since mid-March. So it’s just been my child, the dog and me. I have tried to keep my child entertained, but in the past week things have gotten really bad. He is throwing everything, biting, hitting, and not listening. I have tried to remain calm and collected, getting on his level and speaking quietly. But of course there have been a few outbursts (like when he pulled the curtains off the wall) of me yelling or reacting without thinking.I’m afraid this isolation is going to damage my child developmentally. I started thinking about it last night and I just couldn’t stop crying. Like we will never have this phase of development again and I was doing everything right, but now he has no socialization and the only outside time we have is in our backyard or sitting in a stroller. (I’m sure the tears also come from complete exhaustion, I know there are other single parents out there, but doing this with zero help for a month in a half is starting to take its toll)I’m sorry if this sounds dramatic, but the behavior changes in my child are undeniable and I know we are nowhere near the end of this. Is anyone else in a similar situation? Any suggestions? Or words of reassurance? via /r/Parenting

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