Monday, 27 April 2020

Atheist parents: How would you feel about your child becoming religious?

I grew up in a religious home. I rebelled and became a hardcore atheist in my teen years. Now I'm just a run of the mill atheist. I always hated how my parents pushed religion so hard when I was clearly trying to distance myself from that.It makes me wonder about my kids. I have 5 kids and the oldest is starting to ask questions about God. I found some cool resources online that explain different world religions to kids and he's so into it. I don't know how I would feel about him becoming religious though. I wouldn't want to be like my parents but I am not a fan of the kind of judgment that was so common in the church when I was growing up. I want my kids to love everyone and, although that is what religion is supposed to teach, I feel like it more often leads to the opposite.I don't know. I'm afraid of pushing too hard like my parents did but I'm not sure if I would be okay with him becoming a a preacher. via /r/Parenting

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