Wednesday, 29 April 2020

6yo feels my authority is "unfair". Help on how to handle?

So, basically, every conflict with my 6 year old son can be boiled down to him not accepting/agreeing with the premise that I, as the adult, can make decisions for him and without his agreement. He seems honestly heartbroken, almost like he is grieving his perceived loss of autonomy and he feels there is something extremely unjust about the whole setup.I am not authoritarian at all, I have raised him with a great deal of personal freedom and respect for his autonomy.The latest conflict came tonight, because I made it a rule, that he goes to the toilet and tries to pee, before going to bed. He was livid, and basically said that it's unfair I can make rules, when he can't.If this was just a tantrum in response to a disagreement, I'd just shrug it off and tell him tough luck. But this was such heartfelt sorrow and has come up before, I would like to know if this is a thing for some kids and how to support him through it. via /r/Parenting

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