My (31M) wife (36F) and I have a 14mo and live together in the city. I can’t quite put my finger on it but she just seems to be so distant. Especially lately. The adjustment into parenthood was a tough one and although I thought that we would be finding our groove by now, recent events have me thinking otherwise.She doesn’t seem or care if I’m around or not and has such short patience for little things that I do that aren’t to her liking.For example, telling my daughter ‘no’ in the wrong way has resulted in her giving me the silent treatment for 4 days while she stays at her moms.If she asks me to make a bottle BAM I’m running to the kitchen. Asks me to watch her while she takes a shower BAM it’s playtime! I do everything that is asked of me and do my best to take initiative where I know I can.Most of you are probably thinking that she needs some alone time and personal space. Well let me tell you, she is very much a perfectionist. She holds herself to unrealistic expectations in nearly everything she does (which I love). However, this means that she is the only one that is capable of taking care of the baby. No baby sitters, no family, nothing. In the 14 months that we have been parents she has only accepted offers for alone time 3 times! Despite my insistence.Something else worth pointing out is that when my daughter shows me affection my wife often says something along the lines of ‘you’re welcome’ or ‘you’re lucky I gave you a daddy’s girl’. Could there be resentment of any kind?I need to understand where her head is at so I can begin to have a better understanding.For all you hard working moms out there, what were your feelings towards your partner at this stage? If you had bad feelings about him, why? What does the level of exhaustion at 14-months do to you? I really want to understand so I can learn how to get this on track. via /r/Parenting
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