Thursday, 2 April 2020

Struggling with self-isolation from my husband and daughter in the same house.

I am a nurse and an self isolating for likely COVID-19 (I'm not severely ill so no test for me). I am at home and limited to the master bedroom. My daughter and husband (high-risk) are in the rest of the house. My husband has been bringing me food and I get water from the bathroom sink to drink. She's 3.5 and not understanding why she can't have hugs/kisses/snuggles like usual. She's throwing fits outside the bedroom door because she wants me. Usually we snuggle and hang out/read/play with blocks watch a show or movie every night. She even sits next to me and colors while I do homework (I'm a full time student too.) She's mastered air hugs and blowing kisses from the other side of the patio door on the bedroom.Anyone have any suggestions on what else I can do? I feel awful telling her she can't come in or hug me. My husband is having a terrible time, she's just so upset that she knows I'm home and won't come play blocks with her or tuck her in at bedtime.I felt guilty before the pandemic about how much time we don't get to spend together because of work and school. (I just took a huge paycut to have more work - life balance to spend more time with her in January.) My heart is in pieces being home and not getting every minute I can. via /r/Parenting

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