Thursday, 2 April 2020

6 y.o. Won’t go to sleep without me (mom)

My 6 year old has slept in the bed with me since birth. I don’t have a problem with that.She now has her own room with a beautiful bedroom set that her father invested a pretty penny in and she loves her bed and how comfy it is.....but she’ll only fall asleep if I’m there laying with her. Which is fine. Just put her to bed then go about my business right? Yea. Here’s where it gets tricky.She could be in what seems like a deep sleep....and I’ll get up and go to the living room or my own bed etc.....and she’ll be up minutes if not seconds behind me.She’s scared of the dark even when I’m with her. She has trouble falling asleep even when I’m with her. She will seek me out and come lay with me and won’t go to sleep unless she knows I’m going to sleep as well.A little back story. When she was an infant she had difficulties breathing. We were in and out of the hospital what felt like every week. So I kept her in my bed so I could monitor her breathing more closely.Fast forward to now she has asthma and same principle applies but only when she’s sick. If she has a cold I keep her in my bed or I sleep in her room to monitor her breathing.I don’t mind sleeping with her. Whether my bed or hers. I love her snuggles and enjoy them because I know they won’t last forever. But no ones really getting any sleep in my house. She’s getting big and it’s tough on a queen with 3 people (myself hubs and her)I told my husband let’s get a king and he absolutely refused saying he’s not spending any money on a bigger bed when she has a beautiful bed of her own. I don’t disagree.I’m just wondering if I’m fucking her up always letting her sleep with me. Like I said, I don’t mind it, and I know she’ll eventually go to her own bed it normal for her to wake up seconds after I move away? Even if she’s seemingly in a deep sleep? Anyone else with older kids in the bed can relate/explain/give advice?Edit to add: she won’t sleep/fall asleep with dad. She’s only like this with me. via /r/Parenting

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