Saturday, 25 January 2020

Sons first report card and so much more

I think I’ve flaired this correctly.Today I saw my sons first report card from his kindergarten teacher and as I’m super proud of his academics, his behaviors are really disheartening. He’s struggling to solve social conflicts with peers, he doesn’t do his personal best, he doesn’t follow expectations and needs to be reminded what they are.What upsets me is that I have worked him so much on problem solving, especially with others. I work with him on following expectations and doing his personal best. I don’t know how to help him....And what’s worse is that I don’t even know how to help myself right now. I’m so incredibly mentally exhausted. I made a mistake at work that, from how it’s spoken about, will lead me to Being fired come next week. I’ve been applying to other jobs but you all know they take time. I’m trying really hard to make sure that my son doesn’t see me freaking out or crying because I don’t want him exposed to this type of thing yet. It will just increase a chance of anxiety.I’m selling all my own personal belongings. I’ve told him that it’s for our vacation I’m the summer. He likes to put the pennies or coins he fines in his piggy bank to help save haha. It’s adorable. But I’m selling a lot of my stuff just so I can have a reserve in my savings because right now it’s zero.I hate being a single mom....I hate it I hate it I hate it. I don’t know how I’m suppose to help my son develop into a well rounded child who follows expectations and is respectful to teachers and peers, work full time, pay all the bills, help with homework, chores and errands, I don’t have any friends that are even remotely helpful and I don’t have any family around her. So it’s just me and I’m getting so worn out and I’m afraid I’m going burn out because I’m trying to job hunt, sell stuff and study while also trying to be engaged with my son.My biggest fear is that we lose the little 2 bdrm apt and end up living in my car and my son being forced into foster care and I never see him again. He has a specialized diet and I have medicationsI’ve cried so much today and ready for bed. I don’t know what im going to do. via /r/Parenting

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