Saturday, 25 January 2020

Met a mom stranger today and it totally turned my day around. (UPDATE)

So I posted last week about a mom who offered her free baby things to me for free and it really touched me. So I thought you guys mighttttt want an update.We made plans to meet up shortly after we met but it didn't work out so I was a little worried it would never work out, as things go nowadays it seems like.But yesterday she texted me and asked if I was free and I wasn't busy so she brought the baby things by today!Not only did I get a few new things, I realized we have a lot more in common then I thought!! We live in the bibley belt so I've had trouble making friends and clicking with people (that and anxiety lol).I added her on Facebook and her post totally clicked with me, we have the same taste in music, fashion, and humor.In person we sat there and talked for like and hour about anything and just vibed and I couldn't be more excited!!!! I feel so lame for saying it, but I actually made an adult friend! My first friend in YEARS. AND I DID give her that hug y'all.This might be rambling, it's early and I can't sleep. I'm so happy and wanted to share with you supportive people. ❤️ via /r/Parenting

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