Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Giving your child an outlet

Just thought I’d share a little something to give any other parents an idea. So, a few weeks ago, I was discussing with a friend how I had to hide the scissors from my 5, soon to be 6, year old daughter because she’s always trying to cut something up; nothing yet to be overly upset about but I wanted to curb it before she got too sneaky and cut up something that she really shouldn’t have. She then gave me an awesome idea - instead of taking the scissors away completely i should instead get her a tub of random whatever that she’s allowed to cut up! This way I’m not denying her strange little obsession but giving her an outlet to do so. Said friend actually beat me to it and swung by the dollar store and put all kinds of stuff in a bin that would be fun for her to cut up. This also will help set boundaries so she can decipher a little better what should and shouldn’t be destroyed with scissors and she’ll know where the line is drawn. Anyway, I thought that was a neat alternative! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2mvVf6p

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