So my son came to me yesterday to let me know he doesn’t want to go to after school anymore. This isn’t a problem since I’m a stay at home mom. But it caught me off guard because he loves after school. He was the one that insisted on attending because “it’s a lot of fun”. He’s in a music After school program which is highly selective. I ask him why he doesn’t want to go and he hesitates a little but then blurts our “because I had a fight with Abby today and she’s mad at me for not being with her enough”Now let’s pause this right here so I can explain who Abby is. Abby is his best friend of all time (his words) Abby and him sit next to each other in class. Play at recess and after school would meet up and play either in the park or each other’s houses. When Abby sees me will ask me where my son is. Apparently my son does the same. This year however since my son has after school he doesn’t see her after school anymore. Apparently they’re In different classes too. I told her parents what he does for after school but I guess they chose not to put her in anything. Fast forward to present time“Abby says she doesn’t see me anymore and that she’s mad at me. She says she goes to the park to wait for me but I told her I have after school” I’m nodding listening quietly as he continues . “She goes to me “I guess I’m not important to you anymore” I tell her I go to the park before my after school starts and she says she never sees me and that she waits and waits.. so she thinks I shouldn’t go to after school bc we never have time together. And I told her “if it’ll make you happy, fine I won’t go anymore!”I was kind of shocked the whole time. Call me crazy but to me this sounded like an arguement teenage sweethearts have...NOT a baby in 2nd grade!!!! I let him know he hadn’t done anything wrong. That he is entitled to have fun doing what he interested doing and can’t just be with Abby all the time. He goes “yeah..I know. And to be honest mommy I don’t want to quit. I like after school..” and I go “so don’t quit. Continue going and playing with your buddies. Tell Abby you can play with her on saturdays and if that’s not good enough for her then that’s her issue to deal with. Abby needs to take care of Abby and make more friends and James needs to take care of James. Ok?” and that was that. We ended up doing tie dye shirts and forgetting all about this lol. But now that he’s in school and I’m quietly sipping coffee at home I can’t help but wonder...did I say the right things? Any input would be great.Edit: Handle not hardle. Stupid phone... via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2mIHAbZ
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