Advice needed.My brother-in-law's girlfriend just had a baby last weekend. I don't have enough of the details, but basically the baby boy was born with drugs in his system. The state is taking the baby away and looking for a family to place the baby in emergency foster care. My mother-in-law and her sister (my husband's aunt) have asked us to take the baby.Some background: we have three children under 5, the youngest is 5 months old. We are already financially strained right now as I left my job in January to be a stay at home mom, only for my husband to lose his job in February. He is still looking. As for my BIL/his gf, they also have a daughter (2yo) who they have lost parental rights to. His daughter is cared for by my other BIL. This child is 2 years old and has ALL (a form of leukemia). Her health issues, and the fact that he also has a 9yo daughter, prevent this other BIL from taking custody of yet another child. There was also a baby boy two years ago who was taken from them by the state. He tragically passed away while in foster care (due to health issues).My husband is very angry. He is angry at his brother for not being fit enough to care for his own kids. He's angry that his brother is putting other family members in this position. He's angry that his mother asked us this, knowing that neither of us are employed and we ourselves have a new baby at home who still needs a great deal of one-on-one attention.On the other hand....this baby is family. It is not his fault that his parents are addicts. The alternative is that the baby perhaps goes to one of the grandparents. If the baby went to my in-laws, I would certainly make myself available to help with whatever was needed. If the baby went the maternal grandparents, the situation would be acceptable but not the best situation (we believe there would be exposure to drugs, cigarette smoke, drinking issues... family is almost as big a mess as her).To everyone else in the family, we look like the prime candidates. We have a bigger home than everyone else. We live in a nice area. I don't work, everyone else does at least part time. My husband will likely find a job soon.I want to do the right thing. I'm afraid of 1. How this could strain my marriage 2. What kinds of health issues the baby might face 3. How much attention will be taken away from my own three kids and to a much much lesser extent 4. When will I get more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep again (this was already a concern, haha). via /r/Parenting
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