I posted about 3 weeks ago because my son was told he couldn't go on an end of the year field trip. I'll link the story at the bottom and wasn't planning on updating, but I checked my messages and have tons of PMs from people. I was nervous about giving an update because I didn't think people cared but I recently saw that someone made a blog post about it and I wanted to share my side of the story. Be careful what you put on Reddit y'all.Quick recap: High functioning autistic kid wanted to go on a field trip that includes a lot of fun things like hiking, ziplining and things like that. He found 3 boys to room with but the ring leader kicked him out in favor of his best friend on group finalization day. When he told the field trip coordinators that he didn't have a group anymore they called two groups of 3 to the front of the room and asked them if they wanted to share. Both groups declined and said my son was weird. This all was very public. My son was then told that he isn't allowed to go on the trip because he didn't have a group. He asked if he could get a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor of his original groups room but they told him no. My son was disappoited but kept his cool until I picked him up.Update: I asked my son what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to go on the trip. I told him that I would go to the school with him and speak to the principal, who was one of the people who told him he can't go on the trip. We met with the principal and he asked my son which group he wanted to share with. My son said he didn't want to share with the groups that called him weird because he didn't want to be bullied by the boys the entire trip. As I mentioned in my original post there is next to no supervision in the cabins at night. The principal told my son there were no other rooms left and my son said he wanted back in his original group. The principal told him that's not possible because they already have four and already finalized the group but I called bullshit on that. They can't erase a name? Maybe this makes me into a snowplow mom or whatever but this wasn't fair to my son. He did everything right and was being told his options are to either not go on the trip or sleep with kids who are going to tourment him. My son said that one of the kids told him that he still wants to share and asked if we could have him come to the office. The principal called one of the original group members down to the office and he admitted that he wanted to share with my son but felt like he had to go along with his friends otherwise he'd be the odd man out and would be searching for another group. He was clearly broken up about it and felt bad. I get it. He's a 5th grade boy who was told it's either him or my son and he put my son on the chopping block to save himself. Understandable behavior from a preteen. He said he still wanted to share with my son though, so they called one of the other original boys down. He's good friends with my older son and said he never wanted to make my son feel bad. He said he'd be open to sharing too. The principal decided to put the 3 boys back together and then called the other two boys, the ringer leader and the late to the party kid, to the office after we left. He said he was going to tell them that they had to pick another room. Either the room with my son and the two boys willing to share with him or one of the other groups of three. They ended up splitting into the other groups of three.I was worried about bullying for having his mom get involved or for "ruining" the trip but they are going to keep the other boys separate. The kids go on adventures with their bunk mates and the kids in the room next to them, so they are going to make sure the other boys are far from my son. Big group activities are all supervised and we told our son to call us if anything happens and he wants to come back home. It'll be a long drive but it'll be worth it if he isn't comfortable being around those kids.Thanks for all the comments. When you parent a kid with special needs it is hard to know if you are overreacting or not. I'm glad that most people think I was right to be upset about what happened. The next step is changing the program so no other kid has to go through this. My twins did but had no issues so I didn't think to speak up. I have been regretting that decision and have serious mom guilt about not stepping up sooner. I will do whatever I can to make sure no other kid is humiliated in front of his peers and called names while staff watches. I don't know how they can change the process to make it less harsh on kids without friends but something needs to be done. This can't happen ever again. And yes, I could have taken my son camping after but he wanted to do this and do it without me. His siblings got to and I don't know how many normal middle/high school experiences he'll get. He's getting this one.Original: https://ift.tt/2uvnLWl via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2HGLP1h
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