Friday, 1 February 2019

Yelled at my baby

Hi everyone,​This is my first post here. I have no idea what to do to undo any possible damage I might have done to my 4-month-old.My son has been getting fussy at the bottle at nighttime and the past two nights, I lost it on him.I yelled "Just stop crying," very loudly, which obviously doesn't HELP to stop said crying. I had to put him down and go into the next room and scream. I know he could hear me, even though he couldn't see me and obviously, can't understand my actual words yet. My husband worked late night last night and once he got home and baby was asleep, I just started ranting about how much I can't stand our son and I even said I hated him :(I will, admit that I did yell when he was a newborn (he had eating issues that went undiagnosed for awhile) and would have those early fussy nights where nothing I tried worked to soothe him, but it was more of me pleading with him to to please eat ("because mommy is worried,", etc). But my voice was very loud in tone (sometimes yelling). The last two nights, it was out of anger. I am afraid I have irreparably damaged him and I am wracked with guilt.I am seeing a counsellor to make sure this doesn't become an unbreakable pattern (she does not believe it is actual PPD) and I otherwise feel great- he is normally very happy and I spend my day talking to him, taking him for walks, playing with him, singing to him, cuddling with him- all the normal things you would do with a baby. So far, he is meeting all his milestones. He also smiles when he hears me enter a room so I hope that is a good sign...?Aside from making sure this doesn't continue, how do I know if he is screwed up now? Is there something specific I should be doing to reverse that?Sincerely,Terrible Mother via /r/Parenting

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