Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Our son is upset about circumcision and we don’t know what to do

Please forgive the long intro. My son (25) has acted kind of distant for a while. Not rude or anything, but just really quiet and doesn’t seem to enjoy being around me and his mom. We’ve seen how he interacts with friends and other family members and he loves to joke around, but around us he’s very quiet even though we’re far from overbearing parents (he’s been self-sufficient since 18 and very successful so we’ve genuinely been very supportive of his success). One day my wife and I respectfully sort of called him out on this and asked why he behaves so differently around us. He hesitated for a second, and then hits us with the fact that he’s upset that he was circumcised as an infant. He said he’s not angry at us, because he knows it was the norm at the time, but that he’s still upset about it being done to him and that when he’s home with us it’s all he can think about and it makes him feel depressed. He said he wishes he could just move on, but he can’t. I don’t know what to do. We apologized as much as we could. He said that while he forgives us, he can’t just switch off the negative emotions he feels about it. Obviously my wife and I wouldn’t have had it done if we knew there was a chance he’d resent it later on.For clarification, he lives several states away and doesn’t rely on us anymore, but I just don’t want our relationship with him to be one where he’s always so emotionally distant. via /r/Parenting

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