Thursday, 28 February 2019

3.5 yo and 1.5 yo can’t go anywhere

I have a really hard time going anywhere by myself with my two kids. My older child has been diagnosed with ADHD.When it’s time to leave the playground, he takes off and runs away from me and I can’t catch him while trying to also hold/deal with my 1.5 yo.I “set expectations” before we leave the car. We talk about how running away is a bad choice. And when it’s time to go, the timer on my phone will go off, and that’s when he supposed to come to me. I make him repeat all of this back so he understands. The second my phone goes off? He RUNS.Library time: ain’t happenin. He’s loud, and hyper. He can’t sit for songs and stories at library time.Just going to the library? Or a bookstore?: Nope. He takes off. And again, screams/laughs maniacally and LOUDLY, and RUNS from me.He goes to preschool and has a special teacher who works with him one on one, and does well most days... so on those days, I can take my 1.5 year old to the park/library and so we have fun. But on days when they’re BOTH home, we just sit inside.I feel guilty. Like I’m not doing enough for my younger kid. On weekends when dad is home, we go out. But on days like today, it’s beaaauuuutiful outside, and we’re stuck inside, because I can’t handle them both on my own. We live in an apartment complex, there is no backyard for them to just run around in. It’s a parking lot.Any advise? :( via /r/Parenting

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