Monday, 25 February 2019

Preschool is Killing Me

You guys. Preschool. How did you get through this?My toddler started the first week of January and has brought home every sniffle, cough, or tummy ache imaginable. I actually came down with a cold in December and haven't fully recovered since. Each time I start feeling a little bit like myself, I get sick again. 90 days of tissues and general crappiness. Not a single day of feeling normal since 2018.Most recently it's been a nasty stomach bug. It's burned through my immediate family - first my daughter, then my husband, my father, and me (my mom is now feeling it as of this morning). My fever and vomiting finally abated yesterday morning, and I was so relieved to be coming out of it...until first thing THIS morning, when I started sneezing like a maniac. So the cycle begins again. Kiddo herself is going on week three or four (I've lost count) of a runny nose.I know it's normal for little kids to bring home a ton of germs and sicknesses from preschool, but this is breaking me down. I almost cried when I had to reach for the Sudafed again today. I almost want to take kiddo out of preschool for a month just so we can get a break. I mean, I won't do it, but I wish I could. It's misery.​How did you guys get through this? How long does it take to regain some effing equilibrium? via /r/Parenting

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