Wednesday, 27 February 2019

How to speak up without hurting my child

I discovered that my 3.5yo child was being sexually abused by a family member. I’m still very devastated, angry, and overall doing my best to process all of this. I have found myself being pulled to want to share my story as a way to turn this horrendous situation into something that could potentially help others or even shift the way in which people respond to these brave little ones when they share. I want to share about the red flags that were there all along but missed. The experience with regards to the legal system. The fall out of family and how to prepare “yourself” for the heartbreaking reality that people won’t believe and families will be torn apart. To the various options of therapy and help, etc. However, I don’t know how to do this without protecting my child’s privacy with certainty and even though it did a number on us and I feel I have so much to share, ultimately it is my child’s story to share or not. Even using different names, doesn’t seem to be enough. If I all of a sudden become a vocal advocate close friends and others would wonder why such a motivation or call (or so I think). Any advice? via /r/Parenting

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