Sunday, 24 February 2019

Wife is pregnant again after a stillbirth.

I just found out the other night my wife is pregnant. And of course I am ecstatic about this news. But as I think about it more and more I am starting to feel some dread.A little back story, My wife and I found out we were having twins about two years ago. A boy and girl. My wife was initially skeptical and nervous we could handle two babies as first time parents. I on the other hand was super excited about the idea of having twins. As time went on and the shock of the news had passed, my wife became just as excited as I was about having two new additions in our family.It was a normal pregnancy for the most part at first, aside from the extra ultrasounds that are common with twin pregnancies. Fast forward to about 30 weeks and We discover at our ultrasound that our son, did not have a heartbeat, our son was dead. The ultrasound staff was unable to really tell us anything else and told us we needed to contact our doctor. We met with the doctor and were told our daughter was perfectly healthy still. We were told my wife would need to carry both our son and daughter to term still.We grieved, we still grieve but we were able to focus our attention on our daughter.My wife ended up carrying our son and daughter for another 7 weeks before giving birth. Our daughter was born a healthy little girl but our son was still born. It was obviously an emotional day/ pregnancy. There were many emotions that day. feeling so much joy for our daughter but at the same time the grief of our son we’d never know.Now 1.5 years later our daughter is a healthy happy toddler running laps around my living room as I type this. But I can’t help but feel some dread about going back to the doctors every few weeks waiting to hear the heartbeat, sitting in the ultrasound room as they measure our child. I’m excited about the possibility of expanding our family but I’m really nervous for my wife and myself about having to relive the doctors appointments we came to dread.I guess I don’t really know what I’m trying to say besides, if anyone has input or experiences they can share if they gone through something similar. via /r/Parenting

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