Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Almost 3yo son is telling me to do the opposite of what he wants, then becoming hysterical if I do it.

For bed time, I read him a story in bed, get him tucked in with a toy and then ask him if he wants the door open or closed. He hates his door being closed so when he says he wants it open I remind him that if he wants his door open he has to go to sleep and can’t play with his toys or yell/whinge. This was working perfectly until the other week.At first he just said he wanted the door shut, then when I shut it he started crying and screaming about how he wanted it open. It’s progressed from that, to the point that this was our bed time tonight.Me: “ ok, stories finished, legs straight so I can tuck you in”3yo: “no, I don’t want you to tuck me in, go out and close the door”Me:”if you tell mummy to close the door I’m going to go out and close the door and then you’ll get sad. Why are you telling me to do things that make you sad?”3yo:” I want you to close the door”Me:”ok, I love you good night”3yo:”I don’t love you and no good night”Then the second I shut the door he starts crying hysterically. He does this a couple of times a week and there’s no mood precursor I can figure out, he wasn’t in a mood when I started tucking him in.I’ve tried leaving him for a few minutes then going back in and explaining that saying things like that hurts my feelings and asking why he’s asking me to do things if he doesn’t want me to. I’ve tried leaving him to cry longer but feel bad that he’s crying himself to sleep even if it’s his own fault.My next step is to just leave him until he goes to sleep, even if I feel bad about you think it’s just his way of trying to drag out bed time? Anyone else’s 2/3 year old pull something similar? If so how did you get them to stop?Thank you! via /r/Parenting

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