He's very smart. He reads chapter books cover to cover, builds several-hundred-piece Lego sets by himself, has a better vocabulary than some adults I've known. He's also very immature and has this insatiable need for attention. He shouts at the top of his lungs when his other mom and I try to have a conversation around him. He can't bear to be ignored and pesters the shit out of adults who don't pay attention to him. And I don't mean like looking cute or even just talking a lot, I'm talking throwing things, poking people, running into them, grabbing at them, putting things on their heads or shoving things into their faces.We have been making the rounds at various private schools because the public schools in my area are in very bad shape, and he just bombs every visit. Stuffing shit in the teacher's pockets, throwing crayons, yanking on clothes, refusing to participate in activities, shouting over people when they try to talk to him. We have another one tomorrow and I don't even know what to say to him. I go back and forth between feeling terrible for being too hard on him and feeling like I'm not teaching him enough about how to be around other people. And then I start to think it must be us: we must give him way too much attention. Or maybe it's the opposite and we need to give him more attention. And around and around I go.I try to explain to him about personal space, about not being pesky, and he seems to understand intellectually what I mean. But he also says he likes it when people pester him and touch him a lot and poke him, etc. He says he doesn't have a bubble like other people do. At times it appears that he just does whatever the fuck he wants and that there's literally no way to steer him clear of it.I know deep down that his behavior is some sort of manifestation of stress, because he isn't always like this. Usually, but not always, and it's much worse in unusual social situations. But I don't know what to do about it. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2EtGE1R
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